Hong Kong Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Hong Kong.

Meet 5 strategic investor View everyone

ID 38412

Cheung Alan


Executive Director of Dascom Holdings. Former serial entrepreneur turnt long term business operator & strategic angel investor.

ID 32314

Peter Choi

Founder and CEO of @snapshock and @hiwave-dry-seafood. Hong Kong Internet entrepreneur. e-Marketing strategist. Former project manager at @hsbc and @nec.

ID 68045

Jason Lin


VC at @westsummit-capital. Former at DFJ Element, WI Harper, PCH International, Iventurelab, A.T. Kearney. @stanford-university MBA. Penn/Wharton under.

ID 315538

Nicolas du Cray


Venture Partner at Iris Capital - Greater China Previously, Investment Director at Orange Capital (China)

ID 434491

Solomon Freeman Looi


Serial Entrepreneur. Within 10 years has ventured into Telco, ICT, MLM, FOREX, Hedge Fund, Events, Media Production & Business Consulting for Fortune 500.

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