Hong Kong Startups List

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ID 24169

Trey Zagante


Founder @venturetec-accelerator Associate VP @pactera-technology-international Mentor @angelcube Executive MBA @australian-graduate-school-of-management

ID 136817

Tien Soon Phua 潘添顺


Business strategy and financing advisor. Active investor. Previously @citigroup,@morgan-stanley,VC Group @singapore-economic-development-board

ID 218840

Steffen Naumann


CFO The Zuellig Group, Investor

ID 102105

Rick Myers


Building Asia's 1st digital media venture studio

ID 108412

Martin Haigh


Founder 4md, provider of tools that help charities help themselves

ID 260

Gunnar Järv

Hacker, technologist, entrepreneur, angel investor and a globetrotter.

ID 229448

Nicolas Reille


Founder and investor @twangoo, @eskapades, @connectu • Entrepreneur, marketer & investor.

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